I have designed front end GUI and back end python code to display sorted, filtered text file. Is there a way to show this GUI on a webpage or embed this GUI on to a webpage , so that its easily accessible ?
Thanks in advance
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You use HTML/CSS to make GUIs that are compatible with browsers, not tkinter.
-Harrison 9 years ago
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A Tkinter GUI can be displayed in a webpage by the use of noVNC (HTML5 vncviewer), an Xvnc server (like TigerVNC) and a window manager (like matchbox-window-manager). At the server end per request you need a webserver configured to launch an Xdisplay via Xvnc, the window manager and the Tkinter gui using the same Xdisplay. You can configure a web page to use an iframe HTML tag to display the Tkinter GUI via noVNC. For an example of this check out CloudTk. It is written in Tcl using TclHttpd but I am sure this can be duplicated in Python. It shows a Tkinter GUI displayed in a web page using iframes. Go to
-headsup_popup 7 years ago
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